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How to Make a Professional Rap Music Video

Ok, so it’s your first time making a professional rap music video, and you can’t wait, you just don’t know how. Here is how to make a professional rap music video!


  1. You must have a video camera, the more you spend the more quality the video camera will be.
  2. Perform the rap or song in front of the camera, in 3-5 different locations. The footage must be good, rap clearly, and hire an actual DJ to get some beats in the song.
  3. You will need a computer to upload the video; you will need an editing program like Windows video maker, and line up the song on mp3 with each video scenes in the different places.
  4. Now send them each separately.


  • Choose locations that suit the video and are not random.
  • Know how to rap, the worst thing that can happen is if you mess up or just can’t rap or sing.
  • Choose the right DJ, always have a DJ that knows what they are doing.
  • Never joke around, when making a professional music video it is some serious stuff.
  • Dress like a rapper.

Things You'll Need

  • Camera
  • A good DJ
  • Locations
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